#Stafftakeover: Heather McLuskey

Theatre would not be possible without the exceptional staff who make it all happen behind the scenes, and Heather is one of them! You can normally find her behind-the-scenes at the King's Theatre doing what she does best - being a 'techy'! In our latest #stafftakeover update, we chat to Capital Theatres employee Heather McLuskey about her role in the organisation and why she loves working in theatre.

What's your job title? 


Describe your job or a typical working day for you

I work as part of a team to ensure that all technical aspects of a show are rigged, maintained and are functioning properly. This could be anything from lighting and sound to pyrotechnics and video.

How long have you worked at Capital Theatres?

12 Years. My first shift at the King’s was in August 2007 during the Edinburgh International Festival. I operated follow spot on the National Theatre of Scotland’s production of “The Bacchae” starring Alan Cumming.

What do you love most about your job?

I love that each week brings something new! Last week I operated the lighting desk, this week I am maintaining some of our equipment, and next week I will be rigging lights and operating a follow spot for the Edinburgh Gang Show. I never get bored!

What made you work in a theatre?

I finished high school with no career path in mind. I went to my local careers advice centre who pointed me in the direction of an Acting & Performance course. Whilst doing this course I discovered that the Technical Theatre course and the rest, as they say, is history.

What’s your fondest memory since working here?

It’s very hard to pick just one! We are a very close-knit team, a family. Panto is always a lovely time of year for us. There are many birthdays, panto get-togethers- not to mention the backstage banter!

If you could switch places with a colleague for a day, what role would you like to do?

Duncan Hendry. He is our Chief Executive and has worked wonders for the company in the time he has been here. His programming has brought new life into the company- I’d love to know what his secret is! I am looking forward to meeting our new Chief Executive, Fiona Gibson, when she joins us next year.

What has been your favourite show and what are you most looking forward to seeing?

The Edinburgh International Festival has brought to us some weird and wonderful creations over the years and two stand out for me.

“Cold Blood” was with us in 2018. It was a show in which there was no dialogue and the cast were made up of hand people made by using just an index and middle finger ‘walking’ along little set model boxes. Their use of cameras, video work and set model boxes was extremely clever.

“The Glass Menagerie” came to us in 2017. This production was particularly beautiful. The set was two hexagonal platforms centred in a pool of black shiny glycerine sprinkled with fibre optic twinkly lights. It was absolutely stunning.

Describe Capital Theatres in three words

Opportunities for all!

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