Ready to Conga!

The producers of On Your Feet! invited us to London to see the show and lucky Sam was blown away. Here's his thoughts on Emilio and Gloria Estefan's smash-hit musical.

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'Gloria Estefan' and Sam

Wow! What a show! Joyful, exuberant and bursting with energy.

For me On Your Feet! is everything you want from the Gloria Estefan musical. It’s the perfect tribute to the queen of Latin pop.

You get all the hits, exactly as you want them. There is a full Latin band onstage performing live throughout, and a huge ensemble of top-notch dancers performing their hearts out, making this not just a fabulous musical but also a spectacular dance show. Fans of Strictly will flip!

There is just enough story to keep you riveted. And what a story! I loved watching Gloria and Emilio prove wrong the record executives who deemed their sound “too Latin” for middle America. It’s a very multi-cultural cast, and there is a moving message about what it means to be an American immigrant.

Philippa Stefani absolutely slays as Gloria. You may have seen her here as Mimi in RENT. She positively glows with energy and talent, nailing all the phenomenal dance routines and with an incredible voice to match. Fabulous, incredible, mesmerizing – I can’t say enough!

But really the whole company is a joy, radiating talent and joy. Miss this one at your peril. It is utterly and completely fabulous.

I can’t want to see it again – see you on Opening Night! Our bar is already preparing the mojitos!