Launching our Christmas Appeal

This week at Capital Theatres we launched our Christmas Appeal to raise funds for Fuse, our two-year project aimed at enriching the lives of care experienced children and young people through the arts, in partnership with the City of Edinburgh Council’s social care team.

Care experienced children and young people face many barriers which can threaten their right to thrive. In Scotland statistics show that young people in care are four times more likely than their peers to experience mental health difficulties as well as have low aspirations and academic outcomes.

Our goal is to build a strong foundation for our participants to enjoy an introduction to theatre, develop new skills, increase confidence and share the experience with their carers and families.

Being encouraged to perform in childhood means you are, on average, nearly three times more likely to engage in creative activities as an adult

Over the next two years our Learning and Participation team, working closely with established groups such as Edinburgh Champions Board, will engage with over 400 care experienced children and young people at our theatres. The project will offer various ways to get involved, see main stage shows and co-create high quality artistic work. If you wish to take part, you can find all upcoming opportunities in our dedicated Fuse page.

You can read more information about our Christmas Appeal in our Support Us page. With 87% of the funding already in place from Capital Theatres and Creative Scotland, help us reach our funding goal this Christmas.

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