How to submit a proposal

The application period is now closed, and the successful shows will be announced in due course. 
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Poggle (Barrowland Ballet)

To express an interest in this commission, please provide an initial proposal which includes:

  • An outline of the production including narrative, themes and production style.

  • A breakdown of the people involved including lead artists, number of performers, and indicative creative team.

  • Be fully accessible and suitable for a range of audiences including those with disabilities and/or additional sensory or communication needs. We would also welcome ideas on how the production could potentially be adapted to allow for attendance by children with multiple and profound learning disabilities if appropriate.

The initial proposal should be no more than three sides of A4 per production and should be accompanied by an indicative budget and a CV of the lead artist, producer or company, and any other confirmed personnel.

Proposals and accompanying information should be sent to Hanna Louise, Associate Producer, Aberdeen Performing Arts at by Monday 6 September 2021.

The initial proposals will be shortlisted by representatives from each of the commissioning organisations, and those shortlisted will be invited to present their proposals on Thursday 16 September. Please try to retain some availability on this day.