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As a Friend you have saved £{{BasketData.totalDiscount.toFixed(2)}}
Capital Theatres friends enjoy generous benefits which means you can see more of what you love for less. Friends membership costs only £{{this.UpsellMembershipPrice.toFixed(2)}} a year!
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{{moment(eventBooking.start).format('ddd, Do MMM YYYY, h:mm a')}}
Seat | Ticket Type | Venue | |
{{ticket.planName}} (Seat: {{ticket.seatName}}) | {{ticket.ticketType.name}}: £{{ticket.total.toFixed(2)}} | {{eventInstanceInfo_value.venue.post_title}} | Remove |
This performance is eligible for a Friends discount of £{{eventTicketsTotalDiscount.toFixed(2)}}
This performance is not eligible for a Friends discount
This performance is eligible for a 2 for 1 via a 50% Friends discount
This performance is eligible for a Friends discount of £3.00
As our Friend, you have saved £{{eventTicketsTotalDiscount.toFixed(2)}}
This performance is not eligible for a Friends discount
As our Friend, you have saved 50% via the 2 for 1 offer
As our Friend, you have saved £3.00
Gift Voucher
Amount: £{{parseFloat(GiftVoucher.amount).toFixed(2)}}From: {{GiftVoucher.fromName}}
To: {{GiftVoucher.toName}}
(to be sent on {{moment(GiftVoucher.sendDate).format('ddd, Do MMM YYYY')}})
Message: {{GiftVoucher.message}}
If you have a Theatre Tokens Gift Card or eGift issued by SOLT, you can now redeem it on our website by exchanging it for theatre credits online. Capital Theatres gift vouchers, however, can be applied directly during the checkout process as usual.
Basket Summary
- {{BasketSummaryItem.quantity}} x {{BasketSummaryItem.ticketType.name}} £{{parseFloat(BasketSummaryItem.total).toFixed(2)}}
- Donation £{{parseFloat(BasketDonationTotal).toFixed(2)}}
- {{BasketData.membershipSubscriptions[0].membership.name}} £{{parseFloat(BasketData.membershipSubscriptions[0].total).toFixed(2)}}
{{getMerchandiseAddedCount(Merchandise)}} x {{getMerchandiseInfoApi(Merchandise.merchandise_id).name}}£{{parseFloat(BasketMerchandiseTotal).toFixed(2)}}
- Gift Vouchers Total £{{parseFloat(BasketGiftVoucherTotal).toFixed(2)}}
Total Discount: £{{parseFloat(BasketData.totalDiscount).toFixed(2)}}
Total to Pay £{{parseFloat(BasketData.total).toFixed(2)}}
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