Tea & Jam

Dementia inclusive and Family friendly

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“So very, very successful and looking along the screen at everyone they enjoyed it as well, mostly people dancing. Brilliant job, thank you” - Participant

Our usual monthly celebration of music making and talent sharing has moved online. Join us for our monthly Zoom event with your singing voice and instruments ready, whether it's homemade instruments to keyboards or saxophones. All ages are welcome for this uplifting 45-minute session of singing and dancing in your living room, gently led by professional musician Gus Harrower, where people are encouraged to jam along with him and share their own musical talents with everyone.

We've also introduced a quarterly Songwriting special where people can join Gus and Alex and create a song together on a chosen theme. This is recorded for people to enjoy afterwards. The next one is on 31st May at 11am.

Last Friday of the month 11am -12noon. Please email Dawn at Dawn.Irvine@capitaltheatres.com for log in details.